13 Benefits of Surya Namaskar
One such practice is the Surya Namaskar yogic sequence. Learn the significance and health benefits of Surya Namaskar for a healthy lifestyle.

People of all civilizations have prayed to the sun, the ultimate source of life and energy, for centuries. One such practice is the Surya Namaskar yogic sequence. Learn the significance and health benefits of Surya Namaskar for a healthy lifestyle.
13 benefits of Surya Namaskar
Here are the benefits of a daily Surya Namaskar practice
- Helps to lose weight
- Helps to keep you disease-free and healthy
- Balances the body & mind
- Improves blood circulation
- Improves digestion system
- Strengthens the heart
- Stimulates abdominal muscles, respiratory system, lymphatic system, spinal nerves, and other internal organs
- Tones the spine, neck, shoulder, arms, hands, wrist, back, and leg muscles, thereby promoting overall flexibility
- Regulates the interconnectedness of the body, breath, and mind
- Makes one calmer and boosts energy levels
- Helps cure insomnia naturally
- Helps in skincare & hair care
- Reduces stress and enhances intuition
Let us check some more benefits of Surya Namaskar in detail.
Lose weight with Surya Namaskar
- It is a strenuous physical activity that engages every portion of the body.
- You can gradually increase the number of cycles and watch the pounds melt away. The bends and stretches facilitate uniform fat loss.
Prevent hair loss
- Surya Namaskar increases scalp blood flow, thereby preventing hair loss.
- The enhanced blood flow nourishes the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.
- Various positions prevent graying of the hair.
Increase the glow of your skin
- Surya Namaskar promotes blood circulation to all parts of the body, thereby preserving the youthfulness of the epidermis. It also increases energy and vitality, causing the face to radiate with radiance. This helps the epidermis maintain its elasticity.
- By alleviating the body and mind of stress, Surya Namaskar prevents the onset of wrinkles.
Become more intuitive
The regular practice of Surya Namaskar and meditation causes the almond-sized solar plexus to swell to the size of a palm. This expansion of the solar plexus enhances one's intuitive ability and concentration. Conversely, the contraction of the solar plexus can result in despondency and other negative traits.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Children
Children are exposed to tension and anxiety at a young age due to the prevalence of fierce competition. Surya Namaskar assists children in calming their minds, enhancing concentration, and developing endurance. It reduces anxiety and restlessness, particularly during examinations. Regular Surya Namaskar practice also gives the body strength and vitality. It also promotes muscle growth and increases the body's flexibility. Daily Surya Namaskar can be performed by children as young as five years old.
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Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Women
Surya Namaskar is a boon for anyone concerned with their health. Some of the Sun Salutation poses help you lose abdominal flab and maintain your natural fitness. These poses stimulate indolent glands, such as the thyroid, and cause them to produce more hormones. Regular Surya Namaskar practice helps women regulate their menstrual cycles and facilitates childbirth. Additionally, it makes the face glow and inhibits creases.