Maximizing Your Weekend with Lengthy Workouts

Before you head to the barbecue, devote an hour or so to performing one of the following exercises to get your holiday off to a great start.

Maximizing Your Weekend with Lengthy Workouts

Maximizing Your Weekend with Lengthy Workouts

Although we appreciate holiday weekends just as much as the next lady, a Fourth celebration does not have to deter you from accomplishing your workout objectives for the weekend. In fact, an extended weekend presents an ideal opportunity to truly honor oneself by organizing a rigorous and protracted exercise regimen. Before you head to the barbecue, devote an hour or so to performing one of the following exercises to get your holiday off to a great start.

Gym circuit workout

An engaging hour-long circuit exercise, this regimen will guarantee a stimulating gym experience. Perform barbell presses, jumps, and pushups in the twinkling of an eye, and sixty minutes will fly by. What was the result? You will expend hundreds of calories and experience an afterburn effect that will last well into your holiday celebrations.

Feel the burn

Ready for a challenge on the treadmill? This modified version of the celebrity-favorite Burn 60 workout, this 60-minute strength-training and treadmill session will have you bouncing on and off the treadmill, which will truly challenge your body. There is never a dull moment; rather, each moment is a vigorous calorie expenditure.

Five-mile playlist

Ready to elevate your standard three-mile run to a higher level? This weekend is an ideal occasion to extend one's outdoor activities. This 50-minute running playlist is ideal for individuals who can complete a mile in 10 minutes or less.

Also read: How to start weekend exercise?

Outdoor running challenge

If you're searching for an outdoor-specific regimen that combines running and strength training, this sixty-minute running workout is ideal. It consists of a few minutes of running at your own fast tempo, followed by one minute of enjoyable muscle-building exercises.

Not bored on the elliptical

Before you go out, this sixty-minute elliptical interval workout will significantly increase the number of calories you expend during your elliptical routine.