5 Habits That Can Make Gastritis Worse

Do you know what are the habits that can make gastritis worse? These 5 habits that can make gastritis worse.

5 Habits That Can Make Gastritis Worse
Gastritis is an inflammation or swelling of the stomach lining that can become a painful condition. In some cases, gastritis is caused by infection, drugs, stress or an autoimmune response of the organism. In most cases, gastritis usually resolves without any problem. However, if it is not treated properly, it can last a long time. Now, do you know what are the habits that can make gastritis worse?
These 5 habits that can make gastritis worse.


Drinking too little water is one of the first habits that can make gastritis worse. Water has a pH of 7. Large quantities of water help accelerate the healing of gastritis by controlling the acidity of gastric secretions.
Avoid consuming excessive amounts of water immediately before and after meals, as it can be detrimental.


Daily stress, anxiety, and accumulated tension can have a negative impact on our stomach's health and lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This results in the symptoms of a condition known as gastritis Nervosa. This gastritis is not caused by microorganisms, but rather by a buildup of negative emotions.
An excessive amount of tension and anxiety causes the release of gastric acids, which in turn causes an excessive burden on the mucus lining, leading to corrosion. Therefore, it is highly recommended to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, as they can significantly aid in tension reduction.


Smoking is one of the main lifestyle habits that can make gastritis worse. It is an important risk factor in the development of various stomach related problems.


Excessive alcohol intake is the most common cause of gastritis. Alcohol contains certain toxins that can irritate the lining of your stomach and cause inflammation when you drink too much.


  • Among the foods you should eliminate, piquant, fatty, refined, and fried foods stand out.
  • In addition, high-fat dairy products, such as cream and milk cream, stimulate the secretion of gastric fluid, thereby aggravating the condition of the stomach.
  • Additionally, you should avoid foods that may be toxic or aggravating to the stomach, such as garlic powder, pepper, tomato, and acidic beverages like coffee. Even some vegetables can irritate and worsen symptoms.
  • Remember that a healthy and balanced diet, along with a healthy lifestyle, can prevent diseases such as gastritis. Therefore, if you have gastritis, you need a treatment based on natural remedies.