Internet for Students and Children
Internet is rapidly altering the way we work, travel, educate and entertain. Here are defining the topics Internet for Students and Children

Internet for Students and Children
Someone has accurately said that the world is a limited place. With the advent of the internet, this adage seems realistic. The internet has really brought the world together and the distance between two persons is really not a distance today. We all know about the technological advancements occurring in the world. One of the main attributes of technological advancement is the internet. Today the internet is available readily to many individuals. Also, it is rapidly altering the way we work, travel, educate and entertain. Here are defining the topics Internet for Students and Children:
Evolution of Internet
Many of you are aware of what the internet facility is. Still, I would like to emphasize the aspects of the internet. The internet is a facility wherein two device displays are connected through signals. Thus, through this medium, the information can be exchanged between two devices.
The history of the internet dates back to 40 years ago with its first use in the United States of America and the inventor of the internet was Robert E.Kahn and Vint Cerf. Earlier the internet was only used to send communications between two computers. Today it has reached all distant parts of the globe with more than 1.5 million users. They use the internet for exchange of information, entertainment, money exchanges, etc.
Pros of the Internet
The internet facility has many advantages and it has proved to be a milestone in the technical advancement of humankind. It enables users to exchange and communicate information. Two users who are seated in distant locations of the world can easily communicate through messages, chats, and video conferencing by using the internet.
It provides information of all types to its consumers. Also, it provides entertainment by offering services of viewing movies, hearing to music, playing a game. Various day to day activities such as travel ticket bookings, financial facilities, purchasing, etc. can be readily done through the internet.
Nowadays the internet also offers various networking websites and matrimonial websites by which one can discover their prospective soul mate.
The Internet also provides its consumers with the opportunity to earn money online through blogs and video blogs. These are some of the main benefits of the internet has a sinister side also.
Cons of the Internet
Many a number of individuals misuse information for fraud and unlawful activities. Due to excessive use of the internet in the wrong hands, a number of cybercrimes are happening which is influencing the trust of the people on the internet.
Abuse over social media is also prevailing through the internet wherein people of negative mentality insult other people on the basis of caste, race, color, appearance, etc. Addiction to online games is one of the main problems of parents today as children get addicted to online games and avoid their studies and outdoor activities.
The internet has nowadays become such an essential part of the existence of the people that it is hardly possible to spend even a day without using the internet. Thus after seeing the negatives of the internet, it is not practically possible to entirely avoid the internet. However, we can place a timeline or restriction on its usage especially to minors.
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The parents and instructors can monitor the online activities of their children and guide them on the correct use of the internet. We should also educate and aware people of online cybercrime and fraud. Thus through appropriate precautions and implementing safety measures the internet can prove to be a boon for the development of human society.