Yoga practices to calm your mind and body
Yoga practices to calm your mind and body: Practice of these calming yoga poses can help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and create a sense of inner peace.

Three yoga practices to calm your mind and body
The pandemic of coronavirus has compelled everyone to remain at home. Although remaining at home to prevent its spread is the correct course of action, it has rendered us all slothful and inactive.
Therefore, yoga is something you should consider trying if you, like many others, live by the excuse that you will begin exercising as soon as the gym reopens.
We can all agree that yoga is about more than simply twisting our bodies into various postures; it is a practice that promotes mental and physical equilibrium and induces feelings of calmness and relaxation. It also improves blood circulation, diminishes visible symptoms of aging, and imparts a radiant glow to the skin. In addition to aiding in the attainment of physical fitness objectives, yoga also cultivates one's interior self.
Here are three yoga practices that can help you destress and stay fit:
1. Pranayama
Prana signifies vitality, while yama refers to the act of expanding one's arms. Pranayama encompasses a series of regulated breathing exercises, including bhastrike, Kapalbhati, anulom vilom, and even-count breathing.
These activities assist in the stimulation of the lungs and other organs. It also aids in mental purification, strengthens the immune system, and promotes restful sleep.
Deep, deliberate breathing increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain, allowing you to remain composed and think better.
2. Suryanamaskar
Varying from Ashtanga to Iyengar, the Surya Namaskar encompasses numerous iterations. Surya namaskar is regarded as a total-body exercise because it engages all the muscles and, if applicable, assists in the release of body spasms. Additionally, the exercise aids in the elimination of impurities through sweating. In addition to recharging, the poses prepare you for the upcoming lengthy day.
Also read: Exercise for the Mind and Body
3. Yoga kriyas
Hatha yoga encompasses an assortment of purifying techniques. These practices facilitate mental and physical purification. Neti (nasal purification), Dhauti (gastric and oesophageal purification), Trataka (concentration on a candle or point), and Basti (intestinal purification) are among these kriyas.
Remember to focus on your breath, move mindfully, and listen to your body. These yoga practices can be incorporated into a routine to help create a sense of calm and relaxation.