What are the health benefits of green tea?
Green tea is unoxidized and little processed. It has the greatest antioxidants and polyphenols. Here are defining health benefits of green tea.

What are the health benefits of green tea? Green tea's health advantages have been touted for generations. Green tea may improve skin, weight reduction, and cardiovascular health, according to research.
Tea is the second most drank beverage after water, according to the International Institute of Sustainable Development.
All teas except herbal use dried Camellia sinensis leaves. Leaf oxidation determines tea type.
Green tea is unoxidized and little processed. It has the greatest antioxidants and polyphenols.
Here are defining health benefits of green tea.
Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine utilized green tea to control bleeding, heal wounds, promote digestion, heart and brain health, and body temperature.
Green tea may aid weight reduction, liver health, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and more.
Scientists need more evidence to prove these potential health advantages.
Green tea lovers have decreased cancer rates. Human studies have not consistently proven that green tea decreases cancer risk.
2020 database reviewTrusted Source Empirical and experimental investigations in people showed contradictory findings and scant evidence that green tea reduces cancer risk. 142 studies with 1.1 million participants were examined.
However, topical green tea polyphenol extracts may protect skin from UVB exposure. Tea polyphenols may protect UVB-induced skin cancer, according to a 2018 review.
Animal and test-tube cell studiesTrusted Source suggests benefits for certain cancers:
- breast
- bladder
- ovarian
- colorectal (bowel)
- esophageal (throat)
- lung
- prostate
- skin
- stomach
Overall findings from numerous human studies have yielded inconsistent results and limited evidence of the benefit of drinking green tea on the overall risk of cancer.
A analysis of multiple trials indicated that green tea catechins and caffeine may increase energy metabolism and weight reduction.
Another meta-analysisTrusted Source of multiple tea polyphenols-induced weight loss pathways showed that catechins and caffeine synergistically caused weight reduction.
Green tea may help you lose weight, but not clinically. Most studies showing minor metabolic alterations employed green tea extracts with exceptionally high catechin concentrations.
Anti-inflammatory green tea. Clinical trials reviewTrusted Source Both cellular and animal tests showed that green tea and its main component, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), reduce inflammation.
2019 analysisTrusted cosmetic tea extract source backed this. When administered topically, tea extract solutions reduced inflammation. The damaged skin microcirculation improved.
Also read: Benefits of Planting Trees
2006 studyTrusted Source indicated green tea drinking reduces cardiovascular disease mortality.
Since 1994, the research monitored 40,000 Japanese 40–79-year-olds. Green tea drinkers had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease death.
A 2016 meta-analysis validated similar findings. Nine trials with 259,267 participants were analyzed. The researchers found that green tea drinking reduced cardiovascular and ischemic disease risk.
Green tea polyphenols may lower blood pressure, inflammation, and epithelial function, which may lessen heart disease risk in obese persons, according to 2017 and 2019 studies.