5 yoga poses to do before bed
This sequence will assist you in decompressing before bed, which is vitally essential. Immediately Try these 5 yoga poses to do before bed.

Yoga poses to do before bed: This sequence is ideal for gradually winding down the day and preparing the body for a restful and rejuvenating night's slumber. We live in an active world that does not end when we retire to bed. Frequently, we are on our devices or computers prior to falling asleep.
This sequence will assist you in regaining body awareness, slowing down, and regulating your system after our frantic days. This sequence will assist you in decompressing before bed, which is vitally essential. Try these 5 yoga poses to do before bed.
5 Yoga poses to do before bed
1. Child's pose with pillow or bolster
The pillow or bolster will aid in the relaxation of the diaphragm and respiration, as well as the reduction of tension in the pelvis. Feel the stretch from your shoulders to your lower back as you extend your arms in front of you.
2. Supine twist
The quadratus lumborum, the small but very essential erector muscles in the lower back that attach to the tip of our hip bones, is stretched beautifully. Beginning on your back, bow your left or right knee and cross it over your body. You can gently apply pressure to your knee to intensify the stretch.
3. Legs up the wall
This position calms the nervous system and relieves pressure from the ankles, quadriceps, and lower back. While lying in this position, close your eyes and relax your consciousness.
4. Supported fetal position
This prevalent sleeping position is also a calming yoga pose. By performing this pose on the earth, you reset your body's musculature.
Also read: Five Benefits of Chanting OM
5. Savasana
From the instant we emerge from our beds in the morning, we rarely take a moment to reconnect with ourselves and our respiration. This is an excellent method for doing so!