Benefits of Banana Shake

Bananas have many health benefits, but you will savor them more in a banana shake. Here are defining benefits of banana shakes.

Benefits of Banana Shake

Banana is a perennial herbaceous plant that thrives in humid, tropical climates. Considered to have originated in Southeast Asia, it is now one of the most popular tropical fruits grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Bananas are available in numerous varieties throughout the globe. They range from yellow to brown in color and four to nine inches in length. They could weigh between 70g and 150g. Yellow Cavendish bananas with a smooth surface are the most prevalent type in the world. Bananas have many health benefits, but you will savor them more in a banana shake. Continue reading to discover some of the most impressive benefits of banana shakes.

Top 13 Banana Shake Benefits: Stay Energetic with a Healthy Snack -  Healthwire

Healthy Benefits of Banana Shake

Many individuals prefer banana milkshakes to other types of milkshakes because they are aware of the health advantages of bananas and milk. Here are four additional reasons why banana shakes are an excellent option.

Quick Meal and Snack: Energy Boost

Are you frequently rushed in the morning and contemplating foregoing breakfast? You need morning vitality to remain energized throughout the day. You can always start your day with a banana milkshake instead of breakfast. Similarly, if you need a refreshment during the day, you can always choose a banana milkshake instead of fattening munchies.

Healthy Calories, Fibers and Protein

A beverage made with a half-cup of cubed bananas and a cup of fat-free milk contains 160 quality calories. A half-cup serving of banana contains one gram of protein and nine grams of fiber, whereas a serving of milk contains eight grams of protein. A glass of banana milkshake will also provide you with 29g of carbohydrates, given that one banana portion contains 17g of carbs and one cup of milk contains 12g of carbs.


Milk contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium. A cup of unsweetened milk provides 29% of your daily calcium requirements. Bananas are also high in potassium, with a half-cup serving providing 11% of the recommended daily allowance. Potassium is essential for heart health, whereas calcium helps build stronger bones and teeth.


A cup of unsweetened milk contains 54 percent of the daily recommended value for vitamin B12. This safeguards you against issues such as fatigue, anemia, melancholy, and constipation. Bananas, on the other hand, provide 10% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, which plays a role in enhancing the immune system. Additionally, it helps reduce blood pressure.

Banana Shake for Weight Loss and Weight Gain

Even though people are aware of the benefits of banana shakes, they are hesitant to use it because they believe it will cause weight gain. Actually, that is not the case. The presence of the aforementioned nutrients makes bananas a nutritious fruit. Interestingly, bananas can be enjoyed regardless of whether you are attempting to lose or gain weight. Here is more information:

For Healthy Weight Loss

A single banana has about 108 calories with 17.5g of carbs, which are extremely important for proper functioning of your body. Since bananas are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they really help keep you fuller longer. This keeps you from overeating. Bananas are also low on glycemic index, so they actually help regulate blood sugar levels and keep hunger pangs at bay. You just need to control the serving size to enjoy its benefits while trying to lose weight.

Also read: Benefits Of Mango Juice

For Healthy Weight Gain

Since bananas are rich in caloric, you can consume more of them to gain weight in a wholesome manner. Choosing banana milkshakes is even more advantageous because it allows you to appreciate additional banana smoothie benefits. Bananas contain vitamin B6, which enhances blood circulation and promotes healthy red blood cell production.

How to Make Your Own Banana Shake

To enjoy benefits of banana shake, you can make it easily at home.