Butterfly Pose - Badhakonasana
It is Known as the Butterfly Pose due to the fact that the movement of the legs during the posture resembles a butterfly fluttering its wings

Butterfly Pose
Badha = Bound or Restrained, Kona = Angle, Asana = Pose or Posture
This pose is pronounced as BAH-dah-cone-AHS-ana
Badhakonasana derives its name from the manner in which it is performed, with both feet curled close to the pelvis and the hands clasped as if tied or bound together at an angle. It is also known as the Butterfly Pose due to the fact that the movement of the legs during the posture resembles a butterfly fluttering its wings. Because it resembles the seated position of a cobbler at work, this posture is also known as the Cobbler Pose.
How to do Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana)
- Sit with your back upright and legs straight out in front of you.
- Now, bow your knees and bring your feet toward your pelvic region. The bottoms of your feet should be in contact.
- Take hold of your feet with both palms. Hands may be placed beneath the ankles for support.
- Make an endeavor to bring the heels as near as feasible to the genitalia.
- Inhale a steady breath. Exhaling, press the thighs and legs towards the floor while lowering the hips. Make a modest effort to maintain downward pressure.
- Now begin swaying both legs up and down as if they were butterfly wings. Start slowly and increase your pace progressively. Maintain normal respiration throughout.
- Fly as high and as quickly as you can comfortably manage. Reduce your speed, then halt. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, bend forward while maintaining an upright jaw and vertebrae.
- Press your forearms against your thighs or knees, bringing your knees and thighs closer to the ground.
- Feel the stretch in your inner quadriceps and take lengthy, deep breaths to further relax your muscles.
- Take a long inhale and raise one's torso.
- As you exhale, relinquish the posture gently. Stretch your legs out in front of you and unwind.
Benefits of the Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana)
- A good stretch for the inner thighs, groins, and knees, increasing flexibility in the groin and hip region. Aids in bowel and intestine movement. Removes fatigue from long hours of standing and walking. Alleviates menstrual discomfort and menopause symptoms. Assists in a smooth delivery if practiced regularly until late pregnancy.
Contraindications of the Butterfly Pose / Patangasana
If you have an injury to your pelvis or knee, place a blanket under the outer quadriceps for support. Do not attempt this pose without a blanket. In addition, sciatica patients should either avoid the pose entirely or elevate their pelvis by sitting on a cushion. If you have any lower-back disorders, you should only perform the posture with your vertebrae erect. Avoid stooping forward and rounding the spine.
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