Different fruits and vegetables and their health benefits
Fruits and vegetables provide us with the essential nutrients for optimal health. Here are given few Different fruits and vegetables and their health benefits.

Different fruits and vegetables and their health benefits: Fruits and vegetables provide us with the essential nutrients for optimal health.
Fruits and vegetables are vital to our health because they are natural, unprocessed foods that contain an abundance of nutrients. Here are given few Different fruits and vegetables and their health benefits.
Different fruits and vegetables and their health benefits
1. Blue/Purple
This colour is due to the fruit’s anthocyanin content which are antioxidants that provide numerous heart healthy benefits. This include blueberries and eggplants
2. Green
All green leafy vegetables are abundant in chlorophyll and isothiocyanates, which inhibit the formation of cancer-causing compounds in the liver.
Green vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain additional anticancer compounds. They are also abundant in Vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, and other nutrients.
3. Green/Yellow
These fruits and vegetables are rich in lutein, which is essential for eye health. Prevention of age-related macular degeneration is particularly important for the elderly.
Several of these greenish-yellow fruits and vegetables are also vitamin C-rich. This includes avocado, Kiwi, spinach, and pistachios, among others.
4. Red
Lycopene is the primary pigment responsible for the red color of fruits and vegetables.
It is a potent antioxidant that is being studied for cancer and heart attack prevention. Lycopene is also beneficial for preserving breast tissue and protecting prostate health.
This category includes grapes, cranberries, tomatoes, watermelons, guava, and pink citrus, among others.
Also read: 10 Vegetables to Help You Live a Healthy Life
5. Yellow/Orange
Certain fruits and vegetables obtain their yellow-orange-red pigment color from carotenoids or beta carotene.
These are abundant in vitamin A and retinol, which are necessary for preventing acne and wrinkles.
Vitamin A is required for optimal immune function and vision. This category includes mangoes, apricots, artichokes, melons, and squashes, among others.
6. No colour
Some vegetables' interiors are colorless. That does not imply they are nutrient deficient.
Many varieties of flavonoids are actually colorless, but they still aid the body in preventing the formation of free radicals.