How Exercising Improves our Mental Health

How Exercising Improves our Mental Health? Exercise can be challenging, particularly when beginning a new routine.

How Exercising Improves our Mental Health

How Exercising Improves our Mental Health: Exercise can be challenging, particularly when beginning a new routine. It can be intimidating to enter a gym if you are unfamiliar with the equipment.  But do not surrender!!

We began by exercising at home during sleep periods or even with our children!  We went for runs whenever we could.  We did not enter a gym for a considerable amount of time because that was what worked best for us!  Determine what makes you and your body feel the happiest. 

We've been in your shoes, and we can attest to the benefits of exercise for your physical and mental health. Here are defining How Exercising Improves our Mental Health.

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How Exercising Improves our Mental Health


Have you ever heard of runner's high?  It all comes down to neurotransmitters!  Here are just a few of the benefits of exercise:

  • Reduces stress
  • Sharpens memory
  • Feelings of happiness
  • Stimulates creation of new brain cells
  • Assists in relaxation
  • Improves self-discipline which can help to overcome addiction
  • Improves confidence
  • Lowers anxiety and depression
  • Boosts energy
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases creativity and productivity

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There are times in our lives when we do not have the time or energy to exercise as frequently as we would like.  We completely comprehend!  If this describes you, do not feel disheartened.  Find little things you can do every day, such as parking further away to increase your daily step count.

Exercising is not just about losing a certain amount of weight or fitting into a certain attire.  It is essential to your mental and physical well-being!  It may take some time, but you will eventually view exercise as a reward rather than a duty.