How to Meditate: 12 Simple Steps for Beginners of Starting Meditation
How to Meditate: Follow Our 12 Simple Steps for Beginners of Starting Meditation will help you get started.

Follow the 12 Simple Steps for Beginners of Starting Meditation
Are you a novice meditator?
Wondering how to meditate effectively in order to reap all of its benefits? You may be an experienced meditator or someone who has previously attempted meditation (but given up in frustration). If so, you may be interested in how to enhance your practice, get back on track, or appreciate even deeper levels of this potent practice. The results of learning how to meditate effectively and practicing it routinely can be life-changing. It is common to experience a sense of mental and emotional tranquility. Or perhaps you desire a better night's sleep, reduced tension, and enhanced health. Meditation has also been shown to reduce blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol levels. Whatever your needs, we can assist you. Our 12 Simple Steps for Beginners of Starting Meditation will help you get started.
12 Simple Steps for Beginners of Starting Meditation:
1. How long should I meditate?
If this is your initial inquiry, you are not alone. People also inquire, "Is ten minutes per day enough?" "Is an hour too long?" Depending on who you ask, the responses could vary. Some systems recommend meditating for 20 minutes twice a day, while others insist it is best to meditate for an hour every morning, or to schedule two sessions of half an hour each, one when you awaken and one when you go to bed. The duration of your meditation session is up to you. It depends partially on your lifestyle and partly on your tolerance for staying still, which (I guarantee) will increase with practice. Through trial and error, you will discover what works best for you. If you are a beginner, proceed slowly. Even five minutes per day is an excellent starting point. Set a timer if necessary. As meditation becomes more comfortable, increase the duration.
2. This key choice helps ensure long term success
Set aside time each day for your daily practice. The same time each day is beneficial. If that is not possible, choose times that accommodate your schedule and responsibilities. Set yourself reminders until regular meditation becomes a habit like cleansing your teeth or consuming meals. You will derive the most benefit from your practice if you meditate daily or on a regular basis. Consistency is the key to success.
3. Create a meditation corner
A meditation corner is any space where you can sit comfortably, free frominterruptions, for the duration of your meditation. It could be a spare room, an actual corner of a bedroom or study a sun porch or anywhere that promotes peace and quiet. Make it a space you like. One that calls to you when it’s time to meditate. You may want to keep objects there that convey a sense of peace, inspiration or comfort. Incense or an essential oil diffuser are possible good additions, as are banners or posters with inspirational sayings or images. However you design your meditation corner, make sure it is a place you love to visit.
4. Don’t forget about this critical element
Wear comfortable clothes and sit in a position that works for your body. If you enjoy sitting cross legged (or in a lotus position) on the floor go for it. But
you’ll get all the same benefits sitting in a chair.
Choose a location that allows you to sit upright with your back supported as necessary. Don't worry if your erect spine sags or your head lowers as you meditate. That is normal.
5. What’s the best way to start meditating properly?
Sit comfortably. Then watch your breath as you do several rounds of the following:
Breathe in for six counts, hold your breath for another two counts, breathe out for four counts and hold for four.
After a few rounds of breath work notice how much calmer you feel.
6. Settle in and enjoy
After the intro breath work, relax and breathe normally with your eyes closed.
Sit quietly.
There’s nothing else to do during this time.
If you feel impatient, or wonder what time it is, open your eyes and look (briefly) at a watch or clock.
Then close your eyes and keep meditating.
7. Your mind is active. Now what?
If your mind is active, give it something positive to grab on to.
Like your breath.
Notice it coming in, then going out, following no particular pattern. You are relaxed and at ease, just being.
There is nothing to do and nowhere to go. As you breathe in say to yourself: “I breathe in,” and as you breathe out say to yourself, “I breathe out.”
Continue until you feel your thoughts ease and your mind become clearer and calmer.
8. This could work even better.
Repeat a positive statement (affirmation) to yourself. Start by saying “here and now in this moment” followed by something like: “I am peaceful,” “I am calm,” “I love myself,” “I love my life.”
For greater effect, flow positive emotions while you say your affirmations.
Be sure your affirmations are positive. Never state what you aren’t, as in “I’m no longer broke.” Instead: “My life is full of abundance.”
Or give this a try.
When you breathe in say to yourself: “I accept myself.” When you breathe out say: “I release what doesn’t serve me. All is well.”
Continue until your mind settles. If it doesn’t, that’s OK. After all, thinking is what minds do.
If you like affirmations, our Synch Up soundtracks, a series of powerful affirmations to support your meditation practice and your life, are for you.
The one entitled Inner Peace is specifically designed to calm your mind.
9. Focus on the (musical) notes
If you meditate using Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation and you feel anxious or your mind is active, focus on the music, one note at a time.
Sound tracks are available that promote alpha brain waves for a light meditation, or theta waves for a deeper experience.
Delta brain wave technology is also available for serious meditators.
If your mind wanders, gently return your attention back to the music. Listen for each note.
Also read: Health Benefits of Meditation
10. Remember this above all
Be patient.
If you have an active mind you’re normal. Bring your focus back to the music or to your breath, or a positive affirmation.
Remember, there is no wrong way to meditate.
Relax and be OK with whatever experience is happening in the moment.
11. Always end this way
Complete your meditation with an intention of love.
Imagine, for instance, moving peacefully throughout the day and experiencing a tranquil evening before falling asleep soundly at night.
Or, resolve to appreciate your workday by unwinding during lunch and engaging in a favored pastime at the end of the day.
Send your positive intention out into the world, whatever it may be.
12. Open your eyes
Allow yourself a few minutes after the conclusion of your meditation to ease back into the day. Then you should open your eyes and praise yourself on the back.
Congratulations! You just meditated.