Water and the Human Body
Different people have different water percentages of their bodies. Babies are born with approximately 78% of their total IQ.

Water and the Human Body, Water is crucial for all life on, within, and above the Earth. This is significant because you are primarily composed of water. Find out what water does for the human body. Here are defing of Water and the Human Body.
The Water in You: Water and the Human Body
Consider what you need to survive, nothing more. Food? Water? Air? Facebook? Obviously, I'm going to focus on water here. Water is essential to all living creatures; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight is composed of water. Up to 60 percent of the adult human body is water.
According to Mitchell and others (1945), the brain, heart, and lungs are constituted of 73% and 83% water, respectively. The skin is 64% water, the musculature and kidneys are 79% water, and the bones are 31% water.
Every day, humanity must consume a certain quantity of water in order to survive. Obviously, this varies depending on a person's age, gender, and location. In general, an adult male requires approximately 3 liters (3.2 quarts) per day, while an adult female requires approximately 2.2 liters (2.3 quarts). Not all of the water a person requires must come from liquids, as some of it is contained in the food we consume.
Water serves a number of essential functions to keep us all going
Different people have different water percentages of their bodies. Babies are born with approximately 78% of their total IQ. By the age of one, this percentage has decreased to approximately 65 percent. Approximately 60 percent of an adult male's body is water. However, adipose tissue has a lower water content than lean tissue. Women's bodies contain more fat than men's, so approximately 55% of their bodies consist of water. Thus:
You, I, and Fido the dog would not exist on Earth if there were not sufficient liquid water supplies. Water's distinctive qualities and properties are what make it so essential to existence. Our cells are largely composed of water. Our cells are able to utilize essential nutrients, minerals, and compounds in biological processes due to water's exceptional dissolving capacity.
Also read: What role does water play in your body?
The "stickiness" of water (due to surface tension) contributes to the body's capacity to transport these substances throughout the body. Our bodies utilize carbohydrates and proteins as sustenance, which are metabolized and transported by the circulation. The capacity of water to transport refuse from our bodies is likewise crucial.