5 Benefits of Early Morning Yoga
Benefits of Early Morning Yoga: Yoga doesn't have to be ridiculously early; it just depends on when you typically start your day!

Benefits of Early Morning Yoga: I must confess that I am not a morning person, much less an early morning person. If I don't have a compelling reason to rise earlier than necessary, I most likely won't. Don't ask me to go jogging because it would be too difficult for me.
However, I can wake up and perform a moderate yoga sequence with little to no effort. It may take a few days to get into the routine, but you'll notice the benefits immediately, as well as how differently you'll feel on days when you don't practise. Tested and proven!
So, based on my personal experience and what pupils have told me, here are the top five benefits you will experience once you begin practising morning yoga. Remember: it doesn't have to be ridiculously early; it just depends on when you typically start your day! Here are defining Benefits of Early Morning Yoga.
Benefits of Early Morning Yoga
1. You’ll Focus Better on Your Day Ahead
You can begin the process of awakening by cleansing your mind through a brief meditation. You'll be able to focus on a few basic one-leg balances (such as standing upright and hugging one knee to your chest, or a standard Tree pose), and you'll be required to maintain your concentration.
This will force you to wake up, and your mind will be more prepared than ever to focus on the day's duties.
2. You’ll Boost Your Energy Levels
Cells are oxygenated as a result of the movement of your cells, which is a natural consequence of your body's movement. When your cells replenish the oxygen that flows through and among them, your entire body is revitalised. It is a basic and scientifically proven process.
Some individuals purchase a bouncer and leap for 30 to 60 seconds each morning. Some individuals may not have sufficient space in their residences and therefore prefer a gentle series of Sun Salutations for their morning yoga practise. It must be called "Sun Salutation" for some purpose, right?
Bringing your head, arms, and legs to places they don't normally reside is an incredibly energising way to start the day. You will instantaneously feel cleaner, lighter, and more alert!
3. You’ll Reduce Your Stress Levels
With more oxygenated cells and a sharper focus on the day ahead, you will inevitably feel more at ease: you won't be anxious about that important meeting with the boss, and you'll know exactly what you need to do to end another productive day. This is because your stress levels will be reduced and you will have a more optimistic outlook on the day.
4. You Can Eat More!
Exercising can contribute to weight reduction, which is a fact universally acknowledged by gourmands like myself. Spending 20 to 30 minutes each morning performing Downward Dogs, Planks, and Warrior IIs will increase your metabolism, improve your digestion, and burn off those extra calories in no time.
So sure, you can occasionally afford a small dessert without feeling guilty! As usual, exercise caution and avoid exaggeration. It is your body; treat it with the respect it deserves!
5. You Tone Up
Not only can you enjoy a few extra calories, but your body will begin to change (for the better): your arms will become more defined, your back will become stronger, and those skinny jeans will make your legs appear even longer. I cannot guarantee that you will reduce four sizes in a month, but if you give yourself a chance, you (and others) will begin to notice positive changes.
Remember that you do not have to walk or drive to your preferred studio at 6 a.m. to practise yoga. All of this can be accomplished in the convenience of your own residence. The only requirements will be:
- a yoga mat (or even just a rug)
- a device connected to the internet that can stream a simple yoga video for you
Alternatively, below you can find a simple routine that you can practice daily as you wake up.
An Early Morning Yoga Routine
1. Savasana
Start lying down on your mat facing up, in supine, relaxed pose.
2. Supine Twist
Press the knees into your chest, drop them to the right, look over your left shoulder as you open the arms in a T shape, and feel the stretch in your spine. After 5 breaths, switch sides.
3. Cat-Cow
Roll onto all fours: perform four Cat-Cows following your breath, and massage your spine
4. Sun Salutations / Surya Namaskar A
Practice 3 slow Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar A in Sanskrit).
Roll onto all fours: perform four Cat-Cows following your breath, and massage your spine
Also read: Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice
5. Sun Salutations / Surya Namaskar A
Practice 3 slow Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar A in Sanskrit).
What do you think? What would motivate you to get up earlier than usual? What changes have you observed after a period of morning yoga practise? With the free 30-Day Yoga Challenge, you can begin warming up your muscles, working on your flexibility, and establishing a decent morning yoga routine.