Yoga asanas for good digestion
Yoga asanas for good digestion: According to Ayurveda, impaired digestion is the underlying cause of all diseases.

Yoga asanas for good digestion: Poor digestion is the source of all disease, according to Hippocrates. Our ancient scriptures concur. According to Ayurveda, impaired digestion is the underlying cause of all diseases. It is essential, therefore, that our digestive furnace remains robust. So that the food we consume can be effectively metabolized. Otherwise, our body will have difficulty assimilating and absorbing the nutrients present in the food we consume, regardless of how healthful our food choices may be.
Agni helps us digest what we ingest
Agni is the source of nutrition, awareness, and intelligence in Ayurveda. There are numerous manifestations of agni that affect the body and mind, ranging from the fire of awareness to the digestive fire at the center of the body. Agni is the ultimate guardian of excellent health.
Understanding the digestive process
Consider the digestive system to be a juicer, 'agni' to be the blades of the juicer, body toxins to be produce refuse, and energy to be the juice!
If the juicer's blades are inadequate, less juice is extracted and more produce is wasted. The digestive system produces less energy (juice) when the 'agni' (juicer blades) is feeble. This increases the accumulation of toxins (fruit debris) in the cells. Therefore, a robust agni is necessary for a healthy digestive system. Yoga's rejuvenating properties can strengthen your agni and enhance your digestion.
How can Yoga asanas for good digestion?
• Agni or digestive fire is stimulated. This stimulates appetite and regulates the metabolism.
Asanas lengthen the body and massage the abdominal muscles. This expedites the movement of food through the digestive tract.
• Constipation is alleviated and bowel movements are regulated.
• Increased blood flow to the digestive organs facilitates digestion.
• Yoga postures keep the mind alert and content. You are more likely to consume a well-balanced diet, which facilitates digestion.
Regular yoga practice discourages fat deposition.
• The organism is successfully detoxified. Toxins accumulated as a result of a poor diet, a harmful lifestyle, and tension are eliminated.
Below are the Yoga asanas for good digestion
Naukasana (Boat pose)
· Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
· Powers up the intestines. This stimulates digestion by improving secretion of digestive juices.
Paschimottasana (Seated forward bend pose)
· Massages abdominal organs and reduces abdominal fat.
· Helps relieve constipation.
· Gives relief from flatulence.
Ustrasana (Camel pose)
· Stretches the stomach, abdomen and intestines.
· Ustrasana exercise for digestion relieves constipation.
· Improves digestion
Pavanmuktasana (Wind-relieving pose)
· Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
· Removes gastrointestinal problems.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting half spinal twist)
· Improves digestion.
· Ardha Matsyendrasana exercise for digestion improves liver and pancreatic health.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
· Stimulates appetite.
· Improves digestion.
· Alleviates constipation.
· Activates the kidney.
· Energizes the abdominal organs, especially the liver and the intestinal tract.
Also read: Benefits Of Marjariasana
Diet plan for a healthy digestive system
· Consume fibrous foods like peas, beetroots, lentils and beans.
· Cereals such as oats are also recommended.
· Eat freshly cooked meals, avoid left overs.
· Eat fresh fruits such as apples, avocados and bananas.
· Consume probiotics like yogurt and butter milk.
· Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
· Avoid junk and oily food.
Other tips to improve your digestion
· Eat at regular intervals.
· Chew your food well. It reduces pressure on your digestive organs.
· Do not lie down immediately after a meal.
· Avoid eating heavy meals at night.
· Avoid drinking water for half an hour after your meal.
· Be happy! Depression is a major factor in wrong choice of foods.
· Keep away from stress. This leads to binging and consequently, digestive disorders.