Health benefits of canola oil
Health benefits of canola oil, Canola oil- The most heart-friendly oil. Let us discuss about Health benefits of canola oil.

Health benefits of canola oil, Cooking methods, ingredients, and presentation together make a delectable dish. Among the ingredients, heart-friendly cooking oil gives a unique flavour to the food. If a dish is prepared in the same way with just changing the cooking oil, it will taste different. If the cooking oil is changed in traditional dishes, its authentic taste will be lost. Along with flavour, cooking oil also plays a part in the nutrition content of the food. Oils and fats are wrongly considered to be unhealthy. They are essential to have a balanced diet. They contain nutrients that help in maintaining and improving health. One such oil is Canola oil- The most heart-friendly oil. Here are defining Health benefits of canola oil.
Let us discuss about Health benefits of canola oil
Facts about canola oil
- Canola oil is a vegetable oil made from the seeds of a plant called rapeseed.
- It is extracted from the cross-breed of two species of the rapeseed plant.
- Canola oil was first made in Canada. The name canola is derived from the words- Canada and Ola (meaning oil).
- It is light, clear, and has a mild flavour. Therefore, it does not mask the flavours of other ingredients, rather enhances it.
- It has a high smoke point; an advantage while deep-frying
- One tablespoon (14g) of canola oil has 124 calories with 14g of fat.
Amazon Brand - Vedaka Fortified Canola Oil, 1L
Health benefits of canola oil
- The percentage of saturated fats (bad fat) in canola oil is the least (7%) compared to oils like sunflower oil, olive oil and corn oil. Thus, making it good for the heart.
- In comparison to other cooking oils, canola oil has the highest percentage of good fat or unsaturated fats (93%). Its high percentage of good fats and a low percentage of bad fats makes it one of the most heart-friendly oils.
- Canola oil does not have any cholesterol.
- It is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acid helps in preventing cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases. Omega-6 is important for the brain development of fetuses and infants.
- Canola oil is sodium-free and sugar-free.
- It is rich in vitamin E and K. One tablespoon of canola oil provides 12% of its daily requirement. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the cells from damage. It is also known to decrease the risk of heart diseases, lower the risk of cancer, and improve skin, hair, and nail health. Vitamin K is required for normal blood clotting.
- Canola oil is non-allergic. Most food allergens are proteins. As canola oil does not contain proteins. It is non-allergic.
Amazon Brand - Vedaka Canola Oil, 5 Liter
Oreal Premium Natural Canola Oil for Cooking
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