8 Yoga Asanas That Can Help With Hair Growth
Yoga offers numerous holistic health benefits. This ancient form of physical fitness, which is also a way of life, has been known to not only protect inner and mental health but also treat skin and we are some haring Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth

Yoga offers numerous holistic health benefits. This ancient form of physical fitness, which is also a way of life, has been known to not only protect inner and mental health but also treat skin and hair conditions. There are a number of yoga asanas that can aid in hair growth if you're sick of your short bob and want lengthier locks. In truth, yoga for hair growth and improved health has been gaining popularity around the globe due to its impressive results. Here are some yoga asanas for hair growth, which also reduce hair loss and improve their overall health.
Best eight Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth
1. Kapalabhati
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
3. Sarvangasana
4. Balasana
5. Sirsasana
6. Vajrasana
7. Uttanasana
8. Matsyasana
1. Kapalabhati

Kapala, which means "skull," and Bhati, which means "light," are the origins of Kapalhbhati. It is a mind-body activity that refreshes, purifies, and energizes. This breathing exercise assists in removing impurities from the kapal, which refers to the entire head or face region, thereby enhancing oxygen supply and decreasing free radicals, thereby promoting hair growth. Additionally, it reduces tension and anxiety, which are also contributors to hair loss.
How To: Cross your legs while maintaining an upright back, neck, and head position. Place your hands on your knees with your palms facing upward and relax every muscle in your body. Inhale deeply and then exhale all the oxygen while contracting abdominal muscles. Perform this for a few minutes.
Pro Tip: It is advised to practice Kapalabhati early in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as the downward facing dog pose, is one of the twelve asanas performed during Surya Namaskar. It is a transitional resting position that stimulates blood circulation. This promotes hair growth by increasing the amount of oxygen reaching the epidermis. This asana also provides a variety of additional physical benefits. For instance, it helps to calm the mind, refresh and energize the body.
How To: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your palms extended toward the ground. Take a few strides in reverse and stretch your wrists and legs. With your ears contacting your limbs, lie facedown. Maintain the position for 30 to 45 seconds. This is one of the most effective yoga asanas for preventing hair loss and increasing blood flow to the cranium.
Pro Tip: Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from any of the following problems:
Carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, retinal detachment, a dislocated shoulder, weak eye capillaries, diarrhea.
3. Sarvangasana

The shoulder stand, or Sarvangasana, is a full-body exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. It improves both your balance and posture. In addition, this asana improves your head's blood circulation. The pose has a long-lasting affect on the scalp and is especially advantageous for dry and thin hair.
How To: Make a right angle with your legs while lying on your back against a wall. Then, using your hands for support, you elevate your hips off the ground and balance your entire body on your shoulders.
Pro Tip: If you suffer from slip disc, heart problems or high blood pressure, do consult your doctor before practicing this pose.
4. Balasana
Before you get any notions, Balasana means child's pose and does not refer to hair. However, it combats the two primary causes of hair loss: tension and digestive problems. Balasana is frequently recommended for stomach-related concerns, and it is also known to reduce anxiety. This pose can have a positive effect on your digestive and mental health, thereby significantly reducing your risk of hair loss.
How To Do: Sit on your mat with your knees folded and your legs touching your hips. Inhale, stretch your hands upwards and then exhale, and bend down with your core, until your forehead and palms are touching the ground. If you can rest your elbows on the ground, that’s a bonus! Concentrate on your breathing and stay in the pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
Pro-Tip: If you suffer from problems such as diarrhea, knee injury, severe neck or back pain, high blood pressure, vertigo or slipped disc, you should avoid this asana.
5. Sirsasana

Also known as the headstand, Sirsasana improves blood circulation in the scalp which helps in reducing hair loss, thinning of hair and balding. This asana helps in new hair growth and prevents greying of hair. It helps the dormant hair follicles to reach their maximum growth capacity and thus improve hair growth.
How do: Kneel down, interlock your fingers and place them behind your head. Now, bend down and touch your forehead to the ground. Supporting the crown of your head with your interlocked hands, raise your legs up slowly to stand upside down perpendicular to the floor. Keep your legs close and arms straight. Once your body is stable in this pose, try and maintain the balance for a few seconds.
Pro Tip: This pose requires a lot of practice to perfect. Try and take the help of another person or lean against a wall if you’re a beginner.
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6. Vajrasana

Vajrasana, also known as the thunderbolt pose, is a basic yet potent asana. It directly addresses stomach-related issues, which you may or may not believe play a significant role in hair loss. According to studies, inadequate gut flora can cause hair thinning and ultimately contribute to hair loss. Vajrasana helps alleviate and cure a number of these conditions, and it also improves digestion. This is advantageous for hair growth because nutrients are assimilated more efficiently when digestion is optimal. Obviously, a healthy diet is required for long, dense, and healthy hair.
How to: Kneel down and sit on your heels, keeping your neck and straight back with your heels close together. Keep your hands in a relaxed position on your thighs with palms down and keep your head and vision straight. Be in that position for at least 30 seconds and take deep and long breaths during this time. Relax and stretch once you’re done.
Pro Tip: Try sitting in Vajrasana every day, for a trimmer stomach.
7. Uttanasana

Mastering Uttanasana, also known as the camel pose, is a challenging yoga asana. This yoga pose stretches as well as relaxes muscles, and it also increases oxygen levels and blood circulation to the cranium. This, in turn, strengthens the hair follicles, resulting in longer hair. It not only improves your hair's quality and texture, but also makes it immaculate and lustrous.
How to: Maintain an upright stance with your feet contacting. Raise your limbs and inhale deeply. Keep your limbs erect and do not exhale as you bend forward. Try to contact the mat, and if you feel comfortable, embrace your knees while keeping your head lowered the entire time. Maintain this position for 15-30 seconds. This yoga asana may require several repetitions to master. Don't neglect to exhale as you rise.
Pro Tip: Avoid practicing this asana, if you have a lower back injury or injury in your knee joint or ankle joint.
8. Matsyasana

This is one of the most effective and popular asanas for strong, long, and healthy hair. It is commonly known as the fish pose. As with the aforementioned poses, it is simple to perform and can be done swiftly and at home without the use of any apparatus. Daily practice of this yoga asana is known to alleviate the majority of hair problems.
How To: This asana is performed by lying on your back and bending your knees inwards, as if you were sitting cross-legged. Now, position your palms facing downward next to your hips. Now, raise yourself up by engaging your core, but make sure your head remains on the ground. Your neck should be arched completely. Stretch as much as possible and maintain the position for 15 to 30 seconds.
Pro Tip: While bending, make sure to not put any stress on your back as it may lead to serious injury.
Hope these Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth help you better.....