Fast Ways To Flatten Your Belly
What are the quickest and simplest methods to eliminate the muffin top and get rid of the gut? These are the Fast Ways To Flatten Your Belly.

Fast Ways To Flatten Your Belly: What are the quickest and simplest methods to eliminate the muffin top and get rid of the gut? Believe it or not, the true path to a stronger midsection has little to do with the number of exercises you perform. These are the Fast Ways To Flatten Your Belly:
Fast Ways To Flatten Your Belly
1. Fuel Up
Foods rich in protein help you build muscle, while soluble fiber (found in oats, beans, fruits, and veggies) shrinks belly fat.
Wake Forest researchers discovered that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fibre that individuals consumed daily (approximately two small apples, a serving of oatmeal, a half cup of pinto beans and a half cup of peas — use these as snacks throughout the day), their abdominal obesity decreased by nearly 4 percent!
2. Flaxseed
Constipation can be prevented by incorporating powdered flaxseed into your diet (blend a teaspoon or two into cereal or yoghurt). (It is difficult to have flat abs if your drains are backed up.)
3. Cardio
In a Duke University study of 196 sedentary, overweight adults, aerobic exercise significantly reduced visceral abdominal fat and metabolised visceral abdominal fat as well.
Jessica Matthews, an exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise, recommends interval training to maximise benefit with minimal time commitment. Start with a 1:2 ratio (30 seconds of jogging followed by one minute of vigorous walking) and strive for 150 minutes per week.
Also read: Home exercises offer numerous advantages
4. Stand Up Straight
When you stand erect with your stomach and buttocks pulled in, your front automatically appears flatter. These two actions facilitate your success. Perform each exercise two to three times per week, working up to three sets of 12 repetitions.