10 Tips For A Great Start To You Day
Every day can be incredible if you begin it properly. Here are given 10 Tips For A Great Start To You Day. Read Here

Tips For A Great Start To You Day: At Twinings, we believe that the little things can make a significant difference in your day-to-day sense of wellbeing. Every day can be incredible if you begin it properly. Here are given 10 Tips For A Great Start To You Day.
10 Tips For A Great Start To You Day
Getting up an hour earlier affords you the opportunity to concentrate on yourself and make positive plans for the day.
You are more likely to feel agitated and flustered throughout the day if you rush through your morning routine. Be generous with yourself and make the most of your extra leisure! This will determine the remainder of your day's tone.
Oprah Winfrey begins her morning routine by opening her eyes and uttering "Thank you"
Appreciate the dawn of a new day and its countless opportunities. It brings a smile to your countenance.
All of these are wonderful methods to shake off slumber and gently awaken your mind and body.
It is recommended that, upon awakening, you take 8 to 10 deep breaths with one palm on your stomach and the other on the floor. This is both physically and mentally energising. Yoga stretches will aid in the release of muscle knots. And just 15 minutes of meditation creates a sensation of tranquilly that lasts throughout the day.
Keeping a notebook in the morning is an excellent way to shrug off anxiety and set positive goals for the day ahead.
Every day, just 10 to 15 minutes of "stream-of-consciousness" writing helps us overcome anxiety and generate a sense of optimism and enthusiasm so that we can make the most of every moment.
Getting out in nature for a brisk walk or a run is a fantastic way to get your energy up.
Exercise releases endorphins – the happy hormones – that flood your body first thing in the morning, filling you with a sense of wellbeing that lasts all day long!
Set an alarm tone that’s nice to wake up to, rather than the typical (and stressful!) B-b-b-beep. Create a morning playlist of all your favourite uplifting songs. It’s a sure-fire way to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step (singing along in the shower optional!). You can also create a calm playlist to accompany your yoga or deep breathing.
Use an aromatic shower gel or oil to turn your daily shower into a luxury. Wear a scent that gives you a sense of confidence. Put a fresh baguette in the oven or light a scented candle to make your kitchen smell wonderful!
Why do we mention your evening routine when this article is about how to START your day?
Having a good evening routine before going to bed has a big impact on how you sleep – and therefore how well the following day begins. Simple things like turning off the TV an hour before you go to sleep, or taking a herbal tea to bed with a good book before turning off the light... These things can really help improve the quality of your sleep to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go!
Well known as the most important meal of the day – yet so few of us have a proper breakfast.
Sit down to a delicious, healthy breakfast – it’s also an opportunity to catch up on the news, listen to the radio, enjoy chatting with the family or simply savour the silence. A good breakfast makes for a happy and energy-fuelled day. You wouldn’t drive a car without petrol!
Also read: 5 Benefits Of Eating Raw Vegetables
Make everyone happy! Start the day feeling loved by giving your kids, partner or pets an extra cuddle in the morning as you set off for the day!
Of course we would say that! But really, nothing beats a good cup of tea first thing in the morning.
Reassuringly familiar and always delicious, sit down and relish a cup of Twinings English Breakfast tea to get your day off to a great start!