Best Ways to Reduce Fever from a Cold or Flu

Reducing a fever caused by a cold or flu involves a combination of self-care measures. Here are some of the best ways to reduce fever.

Best Ways to Reduce Fever from a Cold or Flu

Home Remedies for Fever Symptoms

Have you or a family member developed a fever? The positive news is that you likely have nothing to be concerned about. Extremely common and frequently caused by viruses such as the common cold or influenza, fevers are more prevalent in those who have the latter. They typically manifest as the body defends itself against an infection by engaging in combat. Just like other symptoms of the common cold and influenza, a fever indicates that an abnormal process is occurring within the body.

Unfortunately, a fever—especially a high-grade fever (over 103°F)—can feel quite bothersome. Fevers brought on by cold viruses or flu viruses can last for three to four days. If you have a fever and are looking for some advice on how to reduce it, whether at home or with medication, consider the following.

10 Things that Can Help to Lower a Fever

1. Rest

Physical activity can increase body temperature. Rest is necessary for recovery and the reduction of a fever. It is advised that an adult with a fever of 102°F (38.9°C) or less rest and consume copious amounts of fluids. Medication is not invariably required. Additionally, adequate sleep can help maintain the health of your immune system, allowing it to combat infections that cause fever, such as the flu or cold.

2. Hydration

A fever can lead to dehydration and fluid loss. It is crucial to consume copious amounts of fluids when experiencing a fever. Treatment plans for fever-inducing infections, such as influenza, frequently recommend adequate fluid consumption.

3. A cool environment

Maintaining a cool room temperature and sleeping solely with a light comforter or sheet can assist in regulating body temperature. In order to assist in the cooling of a child who has a fever, alter the temperature in the bedroom or at home.

4. Light clothing

It is also advisable to wear lightweight apparel when attempting to reduce body temperature, as such garments may have a cooling effect. Even in the absence of illness, extremely warm clothing may cause a child's body temperature to rise, according to reports.

5. Tepid sponging

Applied to the back of the neck and forehead, a cool, moist washcloth can alleviate the symptoms of a fever. You may also wish to focus your sponge bath with chilled water on areas that generate the most heat, such as your armpits and groin. This process, called moderate sponging, is typically carried out for approximately five minutes. This physical measure, similar to maintaining a cool environment and donning lightweight apparel, might not yield the same level of efficacy as fever-reducing medications.

Over-the-Counter Medicines that Reduce Fever

A fever is not a pleasant symptom to experience. The chills, shivering, and headaches can become uncomfortable enough that you want relief. Keep over-the-counter medicines on hand with active ingredients that can reduce fever. Acetaminophen, for example is an over-the-counter medication that is approved for use against fever, even in children.

In addition to quelling minor aches and pains, acetaminophen is a frequently prescribed medication used to lower fever. With a cold or the flu, however, you may discover that you require alleviation from additional symptoms, such as nasal congestion or coughing.

As an example, fever is treated by a number of over-the-counter cold and virus medications. In order to obtain the necessary alleviation, be certain to identify any additional symptoms that you may be experiencing in addition to fever. As well as alleviating other symptoms of the common cold and influenza, Vicks products that reduce fever are described further below.

6. Dayquil SEVERE

For severe cold symptoms, Dayquil SEVERE is a non-drowsy cold and flu symptom reliever. In addition to acetaminophen for fever reduction, it comprises expectorant (guaifenesin) for chest congestion, nasal decongestant (phenylephrine) for nasal congestion, and cough suppressant (dextromethorphan) for cough relief.

7. Nyquil SEVERE

Fever and other symptoms of the cold and flu, such as wheezing and coughing, can impede sleep and prevent individuals from obtaining the necessary rest to combat the virus. Similar to DayQuil, NyQuil SEVERE is acetaminophen-based fever reducer. Additionally, it contains an antihistamine to alleviate symptoms of congestion and runny nose, as well as dextromethorphan to suppress the cough, thereby facilitating restful sleep.

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8. Sinex SEVERE All-in-One Sinus LiquiCaps™

Certain colds are accompanied by unpleasant sinus symptoms, including pressure, discomfort, congestion, and headache. Thus, the presence of Sinex becomes apparent. So that you can breathe quickly and easily, Sinex SEVERE All-in-One Sinus LiquiCaps™ alleviate the symptoms of the common cold and influenza.

9. FluTherapy Daytime

A period of recuperating at home is probable if one is afflicted with a cold or influenza. FluTherapy Daytime is a calming hot beverage containing potent ingredients that alleviate the symptoms of the common cold and influenza while the user recuperates at home. Stir vigorously to dissolve the contents of one sachet in eight ounces of hot water. Ensure that the entire medicated hot beverage is consumed within 10 to 15 minutes. Nasal congestion, a sore throat, body pains, a fever, and a cough are all alleviated by FluTherapy Daytime when you have a cold or flu.

10. FluTherapy Nighttime

Similar to the daytime formulation, each mouthful of FluTherapy Nighttime, a medicated hot beverage, provides relief. In addition to reducing fever, acetaminophen alleviates symptoms of the common cold and influenza, such as a congested nose. It will relieve your cough at night, when you are ready to slumber, allowing you to rest and recover from the cold or influenza virus that is causing your fever.


When to see a doctor

It is critical to acknowledge that fevers vary in nature. A fever is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States as a body temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. However, low-grade fevers, characterized by milder symptoms and lower body temperatures, are frequently of much lesser concern in comparison to high-grade fevers.

Although fevers can be advantageous in eliminating harmful invading pathogens, excessive fevers can cause harm to the body; therefore, it is critical to monitor the degree of your fever if you develop one.

It is generally recommended that you see a doctor if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • In the event that your body temperature exceeds 104°F.
  • If your fever or cough symptoms resolve, they will subsequently worsen.
  • In the event that fever is accompanied by severe muscle pain, cognitive impairment, or any other atypical symptoms.

The quickest and most accurate method for ascertaining the presence of a fever and its potential severity is to measure one's temperature using a simple-to-use at-home thermometer. Ascertaining the intensity of one's fever can assist in identifying the potential etiology, determining the most effective remedial measures, and establishing an appropriate time for consultation with a healthcare professional.

Although fevers can arise due to various factors, they frequently stem from viral infections such as the common cold or influenza. There are numerous remedies that can be attempted to alleviate fever and other common symptoms. A subset of these alternatives comprises home remedies, including those that aid in bodily cooling and regulate body temperature in response to external stimuli. Over-the-counter medications that function by inhibiting the body's fever-inducing mechanisms constitute a separate category. In addition, combining physical interventions with medications that aid in fever reduction may be advantageous.

It is crucial to monitor your fever in order to obtain information regarding the underlying cause and severity of your condition, regardless of the approach you decide to take regarding your fever. It is advised to seek medical attention in situations involving elevated or persistent fevers, fevers accompanied by severe symptoms, or the like.

With any luck, you can now decrease the fever that is a symptom of your cold or influenza. Regarding your additional symptoms of the cold or flu, consult some effective cold remedies and flu treatments; and recover quickly!