Home Remedies to Ease Your Lower Back Pain

80% of people will experience back pain at some time, but there are ways to find relief.

Home Remedies to Ease Your Lower Back Pain

Middle age is associated with an increased likelihood of developing episodes of low back discomfort. Back pain is equally prevalent among men and women, according to the Harvard Health Publishing Special Health Report Men's Health: Fifty and Forward. It impacts approximately four in every five Americans at some stage in their lifetimes.

What causes lower back pain?

Age is frequently to blame. As time passes, the lower back's bones and joints undergo progressive degeneration. Discs, which are cushioning structures located between bones in the vertebrae, are susceptible to degeneration and, in certain cases, fragmentation. On occasion, these structural modifications induce discomfort.

An additional, albeit less frequent, etiology of low back discomfort is a herniated disc. On occasion, a disc protrudes beyond the intervertebral space and entraps a nerve at its axon exit from the spinal cord. Pain that originates in the leg and buttocks along the sciatic nerve is referred to as sciatica.

However, the majority of instances of low back discomfort are caused by strains or sprains resulting from unaccustomed activities, excessive lifting, overuse, or accidents. When possible, the best course of action is to observe whether the discomfort subsides spontaneously. Upon reaching a physician after three to four days, the discomfort should not subside.

How to help with lower back pain

A few low back pain remedies may be of assistance in alleviating the discomfort until the condition of your back fully recovers, contingent upon the etiology and intensity of the discomfort. Several options are presented for consideration:

Cold and heat therapies

Immediately after sustaining a back injury, cold compresses or an ice pack are preferable to heat. This is because the former numbs the affected area, thereby preventing or reducing edema and providing pain relief. However, it may be beneficial to apply heating pads or a hot-water bottle to the back approximately 48 hours after the onset of back discomfort. Increasing blood flow and providing solace and relaxation to aching muscles, the warmth facilitates the healing process. Remember that the benefits of thermal therapy only last for the initial week.

Limited bed rest

Bed rest, which was once the cornerstone of back pain treatment, has since fallen out of favor. Doctors now understand that in order to prevent muscle stiffness, it is preferable to remain in motion. Even so, bed rest may provide some relief from low back pain, especially if the discomfort is unbearable and prevents you from sitting or standing. However, limit your usage to no more than a few hours and no more than two days at a time.

Physical activity

Muscles that are strengthened and made more flexible through exercise are more resistant to injury. Additionally, it can aid in the recovery of a backache, prevent further complications, and enhance function. Develop an exercise regimen in collaboration with your physician, or request a referral to another qualified health professional. Generally, a well-designed regimen comprises the following three primary exercise modalities: aerobic exercise, resistance training, and flexibility drills.

Complementary therapies

Several types of complementary therapy may be helpful for relief from low back pain. These include:

  • acupuncture, in which therapists insert hair-thin sterilized needles into precise points in the body to release blocked energy
  • spinal manipulation, in which chiropractors apply pressure directly to the body to correct spinal alignment
  • therapeutic massage to relax aching muscles
  • movement therapies, such as yoga and tai chi, which can help stretch and strengthen back muscles.

Although the evidence is mixed about whether these therapies are effective, when they do work, it is often when they are combined with the other home remedies for low back pain.


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How long does back pain last?

How long your back pain lasts will depend on its cause. For example:

  • Back pain caused by strain from overexertion usually subsides over days or weeks.
  • Back pain caused by the weight of pregnancy will usually be relieved after delivery of the baby.
  • People who are obese may need to lose weight before back pain eases.
  • Back pain caused by pyelonephritis is often relieved within days starting antibiotics.
  • People with more serious forms of back pain caused by problems with the vertebrae or spinal nerves may have more persistent back pain that lasts for months and may last for years.