Why You Should Eat Breakfast

Why You Should Eat Breakfast? But study has found even more reasons why breakfast is the "most important meal of the day."

Why You Should Eat Breakfast

Why You Should Eat Breakfast? You might think it's common sense to tell people not to skip breakfast. You do need enough energy to get through the morning, right?

But study has found even more reasons why breakfast is the "most important meal of the day." 

The fact that breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories throughout the day is probably the most appealing benefit.

When you eat breakfast, you let your body know that there will be enough food for the day. When you don't eat breakfast, your body thinks it needs to save calories instead of burning them. Here are defining Why You Should Eat Breakfast?

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Why You Should Eat Breakfast? 

Advantages of eating in the a.m.

Various studies have found different benefits of starting your day with breakfast, including:

  • Having a lower BMI
  • Consuming less fat through the day
  • Meeting recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Having higher daily calcium intake
  • Having higher daily fiber intake
  • Having better performance (memory and attention) (for school-aged children)

Disadvantages of missing a morning meal

Various studies have found a range of disadvantages of skipping breakfast: 

  • More likely to be overweight
  • Less likely to meet recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption
  • More likely to consume unhealthy snacks

Studies of children and adolescents have shown that those who skip breakfast are apt to be overweight.

When you eat breakfast, you let your body know that there will be enough food for the day. When you don't eat breakfast, your body thinks it needs to save calories instead of burning them.

Making good breakfast choices

You might think that a muffin and a cup of coffee should be enough to get you going for the day, but experts say you should be more careful about what you choose. Here are some ideas for people who are always on the go:

  • High-fiber cereal with fresh fruit and low-fat milk or soy or rice milk substitute
  • Low-fat protein shake with fresh/frozen fruit
  • High-fiber toast or bagel with tablespoon of peanut butter
  • Select protein bar and yogurt or a glass of milk

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