How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy?
Never take your vision for granted. Follow these simple steps to keep your eyes healthy. Here are 6 Tips for you

Never take your vision for granted. Follow these simple steps to keep your eyes healthy.
These simple steps to keep your eyes healthy
1. Eat Well
Good eye health begins with the diet you consume. Omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E may protect against age-related vision issues such as macular degeneration and cataracts. To obtain them, eat the following:
- Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collards
- Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
- Eggs, nuts, beans, and other nonmeat protein sources
- Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices
- Oysters and pork
A balanced diet also aids in maintaining a healthy weight. This reduces your risk of obesity and related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, the primary cause of adult blindness.
2. Quit Smoking
It increases your risk of developing cataracts, optic nerve injury, and macular degeneration, among many other health issues. If you have attempted to break a habit in the past only to relapse, persist. The more times you attempt to cease, the greater your chances of success. Ask your clinician for assistance.
3. Wear Sunglasses
The proper pair of sunglasses will shield your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Too much UV exposure increases the likelihood of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.
Choose a pair that inhibits between 99 and 100 percent of UVA and UVB wavelengths. Wraparound lenses provide lateral protection for the eyes. While polarized lenses reduce glare while driving, they do not inherently provide additional protection.
Some contact lenses offer UV protection if you wear them. It is still advisable to wear spectacles as an additional layer.
4. Use Safety Eyewear
If you use hazardous or airborne materials at work or at home, you should don safety eyewear or goggles.
In addition to ice hockey, racquetball, and lacrosse can cause ocular injuries. Utilize eye protection. Eye protection is provided by helmets with protective face shields or sports eyewear with polycarbonate lenses.
5. Look Away From the Computer Screen
Staring at a computer or phone screen for too long can cause:
- Eyestrain
- Blurry vision
- Trouble focusing at a distance
- Dry eyes
- Headaches
- Neck, back, and shoulder pain
To protect your eyes:
- Ensure that your glasses or contact lens prescription is current and suitable for viewing a computer screen.
- If your eye strain persists, consult your physician about computer eyewear.
- Adjust the screen so that the top of the monitor is at eye level. This allows you to gaze significantly down at the display.
- Avoid glare caused by windows and lamps. If necessary, use an anti-glare screen.
- Choose a supportive, comfortable chair. Place it such that your feet are level on the ground.
- If your eyes are dry, you should blink more or attempt artificial tears.
- Every 20 minutes, close your eyes for 20 seconds. Consider an object 20 feet distant for 20 seconds. At least every two hours, stand up and take a 15-minute break.
6. Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly
Even young children must undergo regular eye exams. It protects your vision and enables you to see clearly.
Symptomless diseases such as glaucoma can also be detected through eye examinations. It's essential to detect them early on, when they are simpler to treat.
You can visit one of two categories of eye doctors, depending on your eye health needs:
- Ophthalmologists are physicians specializing in eye therapy. They can perform general eye care, eye disease treatment, and eye surgery.
- After college, optometrists receive four years of specialized training. They offer general eye care and are able to diagnose and treat the majority of eye diseases. There is no eye surgery.
A comprehensive eye exam might include:
- Discussing your own and your family's medical history
- Vision evaluations to determine nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism (a curved cornea that causes blurred vision), and presbyopia (age-related vision changes).
- Evaluations of your pupils' ability to operate together
- Eye pressure and optic nerve examinations to diagnose glaucoma
- External and microscopic examination of the eyes prior to and following dilation.
Also read: 7 Eye Exercises to Reduce Eye Strain and Strengthen Eye Muscles
- Every 20 minutes, close your eyes for 20 seconds. Consider an object 20 feet distant for 20 seconds. At least every two hours, stand up and take a 15-minute break.
Above step to keep your eyes healthy