
Best Foods for Fitness

Best Foods for Fitness

If you do not consume enough food before exercising, you may not have enough fuel....

8 Yoga Asanas That Can Help With Hair Growth

8 Yoga Asanas That Can Help With Hair Growth

Yoga offers numerous holistic health benefits. This ancient form of physical fitness,...

Dental Care
6 Exercises Dentists Should Perform Regularly to Stay Healthy

6 Exercises Dentists Should Perform Regularly to Stay Healthy

The dental profession can inflict havoc on your back and cause postural issues if...

Defining Adult Overweight & Obesity

Defining Adult Overweight & Obesity

Overweight or obesity refers to a body mass index in excess of what is considered...

Physical Activity
Benefits of Physical Activity

Benefits of Physical Activity

Everyone can experience the health benefits of physical activity, regardless of...

Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy (PT)

Physical Therapy (PT)

Physical therapy is a component of rehabilitation that focuses on the manipulation...

Amputation and diabetes
Amputation and diabetes: How to protect your feet

Amputation and diabetes: How to protect your feet

Good diabetes management and regular foot care help prevent severe foot sores that...

blood sugar
Artificial sweeteners: Any effect on blood sugar?

Artificial sweeteners: Any effect on blood sugar?

Can artificial additives be used by diabetics? Artificial sweeteners: Any effect...

Blood Pressure Control
10 non-medication methods to control excessive blood pressure

10 non-medication methods to control excessive blood pressure

A healthful lifestyle that controls blood pressure may prevent, defer, or reduce...

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